
Functional Overview

Vision Systems View


Vision Systems View
Vision Systems View
Vision Systems View

Pathology and Disease

Area Pathology/Disease Symptom
Retina Retinal detachment, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic retinopathy Blurred vision, floaters, flashes, loss of peripheral vision, difficulty seeing fine details, central vision loss
LGN Optic neuritis, glaucoma Loss of visual acuity, color vision, visual field defects, eye pain, tunnel vision, blindness.
V1 Cortical blindness, stroke, traumatic brain injury (TBI) Loss of visual acuity, visual field defects, difficulties in recognizing objects, colors and patterns.
V2 Visual agnosia, stroke, TBI Difficulty recognizing objects, faces, or scenes, difficulty distinguishing colors and textures.
V3 Visual neglect, stroke, TBI Difficulty perceiving or attending to one side of the visual field, difficulty with spatial awareness and navigation
V4 Color blindness, TBI, degenerative diseases Difficulty seeing certain colors or shades of color, difficulty recognizing colors in natural scenes.
V5 Balint syndrome, stroke, TBI Difficulty with visual attention, eye movements, and visual memory, difficulty tracking moving objects.
IT Prosopagnosia, degenerative diseases, TBI Difficulty recognizing faces, difficulty recognizing familiar objects, difficulty with object recognition.
PFC Attention deficits, traumatic brain injury, degenerative diseases, stroke, tumors Difficulty focusing attention, distractibility, impulsivity, difficulty with planning, decision making and memory

Artificial Implementation Coverage

Area Function Implemented artificially?
LGN Increase contrast and noise reduction OpenCV, Gaussian blur, median filter
V1 Primary visual processing, edge detection, orientation sensitivity OpenCV, Canny Edge Detection algorithm
V2 Form and color processing Object Detection with deep learning models such as Faster R-CNN, YOLO
V3 Processing of visual motion and depth Optical flow algorithm, Structure from motion
V4 Color perception and form recognition Deep Learning models for image classification, object detection
V5 Visual motion processing Optical flow algorithm, Hough Transform for detecting straight lines
IT Object recognition and face recognition Deep Learning models for object and face recognition
PFC Attention, working memory and decision making related to vision Attention-based models for visual recognition, Gaze tracking systems