Sensory Perception

Functional Overview

Sensory Perception Systems View


Vision Systems View
Vision Systems View
Vision Systems View

Pathology and Disease

Area Pathology/Disease Symptom
Thalamus Thalamic stroke, Thalamic pain syndrome, Thalamotomy Sensory loss or changes, pain, abnormal sensation, movement disorders, memory and cognitive deficits
S1 Stroke, Brain injury, Amputation, Phantom Limb Pain Sensory loss, phantom limb sensations, altered tactile perception
S2 Neuropathic pain, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Schizophrenia, Autism Spectrum Disorder Pain, altered sensory perception, emotional processing deficits
S3 Chronic pain, Fibromyalgia, Migraine, Depressive disorders Pain, altered sensory perception, affective and emotional disturbances.

Artificial Implementation Coverage

Area Function Implemented artificially?
Thalamus Integration and relay of sensory signals, modulation Experimental, model stage
S1 Subjective Sensory Perception, Processing basic somatosensory information; spatial discrimination of stimuli Experimental, model stage
S2 Tactile object discrimination, Processing complex somatosensory information; integration of sensory and emotional information; modulation of pain perception Experimental, model stage
S3 Integration of somatosensory information with other sensory modalities (Vision, Audio, Memory), higher-order processing of somatosensory stimuli; regulation of pain perception Experimental, model stage